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How do I get started?

Come in for a group orientation and get a thorough understanding of what we have to offer including incentives, paid work experience and job placement.


Eligibility Requirements

Youth Services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in San Benito County are available for youth out-of-school. Eligibility requirements are as follows:•

Out-of-School Youth

•16-24 years old AND

•Not attending school AND At least ONE of the following apply:

•School dropout, OR

•Youth who (a) received HS Diploma/equivalent and (b) is low incomeand (c) is deficient in basic literacy skills or is an English language learner; or

•Required to attend school but has not attended for at least the most recent complete school year’s calendar quarter, OR

•Homeless or Runaway, OR

•In foster care or aged out of foster care, OR

•Pregnant/Parenting, OR

•Individuals involved with the justice system, OR

•Individuals with a disability, OR

Requires additional assistance to complete an educational program, or to secure and hold employment (must also meet low-income requirements)

WIOA Definitions

A low-income individual is defined under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) as one who:

  1. Family income at or below 100% of poverty line or 70% lower living standard or
  2. Meets one of the following criteria:

•Receives, or in the past six months has received, or is a member of a family that is receiving or in the past six months has received

•Assistance through payments under a federal, state, or local income-based public assistance program (SNAP, TANF, SSI, or other State or local income-based public assistance)

•Foster Child, or

•Homeless, or

•Receives or is eligible to receive free or reduced price lunch, or

•Lives in a high poverty census tract

Note: Individual with a disability may be considered family of one for income determination purposes. If family income exceeds youth income criteria and items in 2 above do not apply


Disabled Job Seekers

Active equipment and assistive technology are available to help those with visual, hearing, developmental, or other disabilities to access services through America’s Job Center of California.


For more information visit https://www.dor.ca.gov/



5 Tips to Get Hired

  1. Build a Strong Résumé.
    Use the Résumé Builder feature in CalJOBSSM to build your résumé online. You can create multiple résumés tailored to specific jobs.
  2. Develop Your People Skills.
    Learn your top strengths and get in-person interview practice!
  3. Gain the Experience That Fits Your Career Goals.
    Visit your local AJCC to learn about apprenticeships, internships, and vocational training available in your area.
  4. Build Your IRL Network.
    Attend local job fairs, workshops, and events to grow your network.
  5. Get Started Today!
    Bookmark this page as your employment resource.





On-the-Job Training (OJT)

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a program in which individuals are trained at the job site under the guidance and supervision of participating employers. In turn, those employers qualify for reimbursement of up to 50% of eligible employee wages while the employees are in training for up to 600 hours. Employers may contract for more than one position, depending on the labor needs of the company. This allows for simultaneous training sessions and faster staff development. The OJT program makes it easier for employer and employee alike to take the time to thoroughly train for the real-world business skills that are required to fully reach their potential and become vital assets to their employers.



Individual Training Account (ITA) Scholarships

Individual Training Account (ITA) Scholarships provide funding up to $5,000 to cover tuition, books, and supplies for individual classroom training of a wide range of professional job skills. The ITA scholarships provide one-on-one job training with experts in prestigious and highly demanded professions such as health care, solar engineering, laboratory techs, and many more, all in a comfortable learning environment. Trainees who successfully complete the program receive valuable certificates of completion and job placement assistance.



Work Experience Program

The Work Experience Program is designed to assist eligible participants by teaching and encouraging the development of self-reliant life skills and professional work ethic. All participants will receive employment readiness training, and are then placed with an employer of their preference for 600 hours of training.
